It's not about you in 2022

This is a tough week, isn’t it? I recall how hard it was to return to the Army on the week following New Years and the Christmas holiday. The Army was this relentless, demanding machine (sound like your company?) and, especially in the early days of my career, I had bosses who made me feel guilty for taking time off. I’ve applied the opposite of that leading people, helping them ease back into the madness following time off. This first week of 2022 is especially difficult with the remembrance of January 6th, COVIDS’ next offspring and its impact, and the persistent polarization lead perfectly (I'm being flippant) by our political leaders. Let’s get to it. 

In keeping with a January theme of kicking off the year and Q1, I want to offer this thought. It’s not about you. Any leader worth his or her salt understands this deeply. It is always about the team and the people under our charge. My point here is to think about the position you hold. Ask your people to think about their position. Instead of Larry the Director of Marketing, ask Larry what he believes is required of that position for 2022? This is a way to refresh ourselves about the positions of our organization, what they mean to the greater vision and mission of the organization, and how we as individuals should adapt to them (not the reverse). If you were describing what is needed in 2022 from the Director of Human Resources or Lead Engineer position, agnostic of the person in that position, what would you say? What is required of your position? 

Our positions were created to solve a problem(s) and sometimes we lose sight of that as we focus more on ourselves or the people who serve these positions. As we kick off the year, step back for a moment and consider the requirements of positions specific to where your organization is headed in the first quarter or the year. Visualize it, then describe it, then direct it (more on Visualize, Describe, Direct in a future blog). It’s not about you. 

2022 is sure to present challenges and I would love to be a handrail for you in these turbulent times. Share this blog with others or click below and let’s have a chat about how I can inform and grow your leadership.

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell