RCL Blog 10 Jan 22

"At first glance, it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again." Maryanne Rodmacher

It's week 2 of 2022 and I'll stick to my theme of kicking off the New Year with a bang. It is still early enough to think about the year ahead and commit to challenges and changes for the betterment of your people and your team. In fact, I submit, it is never too late to commit to challenges and changes, in other words, start over after you've already started. I often encounter leaders who want to push the reset button. Reflecting on mistakes or poor guidance, or desiring to alter their leadership, they wish they could start fresh as they might with a new team, yet they feel it could be awkward or a sign of weakness. I disagree. If done correctly it could be a great way to refresh and motivate a team and to try better leadership practices. 

The beginning of a year or a fiscal quarter represent symbolic times where leaders can reset. It might sound something like this. 

  • "Team, I've learned a lot this past year/quarter thanks to your feedback and what you have taught me. Because I'm growing as a leader and because I want to serve you in the best way, I'm going to commit to some changes..."

  • "I think it is time to do some spring cleaning. I need your help..."

  • "Let's work on our business versus in our business and commit so some changes as a group..."

Changes might come in the form of delegating a task or project to a trusted individual or group. You might commit to having more 1 on 1 time with your people to know them better and talk about their goals and growth. You could even strive to be more strategic.

Consider these reset moments as opportunities to gather input from your people about what they would want to see you start doing and stop doing or what changes they might like to see. You can do it in the form of a non attribution survey. Or host a brain storming session to reflect on the past and imagine the future (see my December blog on this topic). 

While new years and new quarters are symbolic, don't wait for these moments to make needed changes or hit the reset button. If change is needed, if you have an awakening which requires you to alter your leadership for the better, seize the moment, hit the brakes, gather your team and lead the change. If you shine a light on it and communicate it properly, starting over will be better received and more effective. It's a sign of strength. 

Get started for sure, but don't miss an opportunity to start over! 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell