Word Up 2022!

"Word up, it's the code word,
No matter where you say it,
You'll know that you'll be heard."
 Cameo 1986

Happy New Year! It’s nice to be back writing again. I hope your holidays were great. I’ve got hundreds of blogs in the cue for 2022 and beyond. I’m going to change things up a bit this year. I’ll be blogging on Mondays and Fridays - bookends for your week, leaving Wednesday’s open for book writing. Along with my leadership content, I’m going to weave in some veteran transition discussions following my 2nd book, “At Ease. A Soldier’s Story and Perspectives on the Journey to an Encore Life and Career.” Published on the cusp of the COVID Pandemic in 2020, I’ve found so many non-veterans have read and enjoyed it. I am talking about transition after all, something we will all encounter. I’ll also be sharing stories of a new business venture I’m leading beginning this month – both successes and failures. Help me widen my audience. Here is the link you can share with a friend (or forward this blog). https://www.robcampbellleadership.com/blogs. Simply fill out the ‘Stay in Touch’ block and off we go (or you can do it for them with their permission)!

Word up! Remember that rap song by Cameo released in 1986? I think I’ve memorized all the lyrics – and I’d be singing them to you if we were in person. Consider yourself lucky we are not! I’ve heard it used as slang in modern times to draw attention to a word or topic. “Word up!” Here is my word for 2022. Growth. My wife Leslie introduced me to the one-word alternative to guide my year and, as usual, she was right. She was referencing the book “My One Word,” by Rachel Olsen. I found another helpful article on this in Inc. Magazine - here. Last year I picked Persevere. My business was limping in the midst of a pandemic, but I knew my offering was solid and I chose to work on versus in my business strengthening its operating system and hiring military spouses to get me marching straight again. I’m happy to say, thanks to those wonderful ladies and commitment to my ‘word’ we did persevere. 

I’m not much of a resolution guy. Resolutions are easy to create. Most of us create them on the spot when asked – a shallow approach to something requiring deep commitment. I’ll resolve to several things this year as challenges present themselves, but I need something simple, easy to memorize, and critical to my success in the coming year. Growth it is. I’ll grow somewhat by default under my new business venture, but growth will need my loyalty seeking opportunities at every turn. Along with myself, I’ll grow a business and its people. When the ball drops on 2023 and I contemplate my new word, I’ll want to look back and reflect on personal, professional, and business growth as well as the growth of my people. That pressure - to look back and know growth occurred, will drive me. 

Word Up! What’s your word for 2022? Share it with me! 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell