Fill some buckets this holiday season

"We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Here it is! Christmas week. Let's make it the best one ever. Who's with me?! 

As a leader and a person you are probably experiencing a range of emotions this time of year; excitement for the time off, apprehension or elation about reuniting with family, exhaustion or nostalgia and pride following a demanding year, and or anxiety or excitement about the year ahead. As you snuggle up to the fire with your eggnog do some introspection this year. After all, you are a human first before you are a leader and it is important to recognize and embrace this. Your buckets, just like the buckets of your people, need to be filled. I'm talking about human needs. 

Tony Robbins, the famous author coach and speaker developed these and my coach, Jim Hughes introduced me to them. They are (in no order) Certainty, Uncertainty/Variety, Significance, Connection/Love, Growth, and Contribution. In Jim's quest to help me "know myself and find my playground" in my encore life and career, he presented these and challenged me to prioritize them, determine what 'vehicle' can bring them to me and if the current order was serving me appropriately. I thought this old soldier and seasoned leader had it all figured out but I figured out that I was wrong. It was a worthy and timely exercise and I return to this list often. 

As you head into the holidays, think about what buckets you need to fill as you reunite with family or just catch your breath. Can you get certainty or what ways in the new year can you get uncertainty or variety in your life and career? How important is growth to you and how do you fill that bucket? How are you contributing? Will you get the love, connection and significance you seek over the holidays and beyond? 

My list fell out in this order; Connection/Love, Significance, Uncertainty/Variety, Growth, Contribution, Certainty. It currently serves me well but I'm not wedded to it. If conditions change (and they could in the new year), I'll adjust. I'm eager to reunite with family and fill my love and connection bucket. Though certainty is at the bottom of the list, I will be looking for some of it in the new year. It is a journey after all...

What about you? The more you understand your own human needs (buckets to be filled) and what vehicles you use to fill them, the better leader you will be. Connect with my friend and coach Jim Hughes so you can know yourself and find your own playground! 

Have a wonderful holiday. I'm checking out to fill some buckets but I'll be back either just before or after the new year. 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell