Live these in your office but never post a sign like this!


I noticed a sign like this posted on the office of a client once. He wasn't a client for long. I coached him to take it down and he refused. I could tell he was frustrated by his people. He held them in contempt in my assessment. That is no way to lead. 

I've seen this image before on websites. At its core it is sound advice. Take away the "10 Things That Require Zero Talent" and you have a legitimate list of behaviors everyone on the team ought to adopt. However, there is a better way to present and enforce these behaviors. Let's begin with intent (more on intent in a future blog). What would be the intent of posting something like this in the office, emailing it or worse, including it as part of your email signature? If it is to get people to abide by these behaviors there is a better way to achieve that. Frankly, I find this sign to be offensive and belittling. I read it as though I'm in violation of these things and need to clean up my act. Here is a better way to promote and enforce these '10 Things.' 

  • Love and invest in your people. This approach is encompassed in my first book and I speak to audiences about it all the time. I feared the day I let down a leader who loved and invested in me. I didn't need a sign to remind me. I wanted to serve that person to the best of my ability.

  • Include these behaviors in a job description or in the initial meeting you have with a new subordinate. Tell them that these behaviors are expectations and important to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

  • If one or more of these behaviors are violated by members of a group than address the group reinforcing their importance. Present them verbally as behaviors which are expected of 'this winning team.'

  • Set the example. You cannot enforce that which you violate. Present these appropriately to individuals and teams then discipline yourself to uphold them in word and deed.

Reminder signs are helpful in the workplace but they ought to be positive in nature. Vision, values and culture signs, for instance, should appear as reminders of 'who we are.' Return to intent often. "What is my objective of posting a sign like this?" And again, love and invest in your people.

Every leader like every athlete needs a coach. Call on me to help you or a deserving leader you know reach their peak and live a better, more purposeful life! 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell