Battlefield (or Office) Circulation
'Battlefield circ' we called it. It was the period when the commander would visit the troops and subordinate leaders. Its purpose was to allow the commander to see if his or her intent was being met, determine if subordinates and their teams needed any resources and get a true picture of what was happening. In circulation, commanders could see the true picture then return to their staffs to alter plans, adjust resources and share their grassroots perspective. It didn't only happen on a battlefield. It would happen at home-station while training for war and its intent remained the same. Does it apply to private business? You bet! Here's an example.
An IT leader presents a new program to the top leadership team of a company. The CEO and his or her team give direction for the specific inputs and outputs to the program. They give intent to the IT leader, meaning purpose, key tasks to be performed in developing and implementing the program and how they see the end state (I can help you form and deliver intent!). The IT leader receives this direction and intent and proceeds with the program. Time for circulation!
Whether it is the CEO or other top leaders (or a combination), office circulation helps top leadership know if intent and direction is being met. They get a 'ground' perspective they otherwise would not get from a single leader or a briefing. In our case here, leaders could visit subordinates to watch the IT program in action and seek input from users to confirm or deny intent is being met. They could offer resources where needed to ensure success.
Circulation is critical in a modern business. Leaders are blinded without it. Even in our work-from-home state, leaders can and should connect with individuals and teams to fill in gaps in their knowledge. It is a holistic approach to leadership. Turn to your VP or your C-Suite this week, bid them farewell and go do some 'office circ.'
Welcome summer! People are returning to the workplace -- sort of. The time for leadership is now! Let me help invest in your leaders and the people they serve. Reach out today!
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell