You have to intend what you intended
When leaders speak, people listen. Moreover, they act upon the words of their boss. To illustrate, watch the discussion, debate and impact after the President of the United States gives a speech or makes a comment to a reporter. Lawmakers may even craft legislation using the President's words as policy. It's hard to escape. That is why leaders ought to intend what they intended or mean what they say. Words stick.
Intent was central to all we did in the military and it works for business. In combat, commander's (or CEO's) intent must be understood. On the beaches of Normandy, France in World War II, individuals and units were given the intent to secure the beachhead and open passage ways for follow-on forces to penetrate deeper inland. At its most tactical this intent translated to "hold this bridge."
When developing missions, I spent most of my time crafting my intent. It was critical for my people to know what I intended. They would find their own solutions to achieve my intent but my job was to get the words right. I still use intent and coach it today. Intent is broken down into Purpose, Key Tasks and End State. Purpose; the why behind the mission (to allow follow on forces). Key Tasks; specific tasks which are essential for success (assess the bridge, secure the bridge). End State is a description of what right looks like, smells like, sounds like, etc. (routes secured and opened to allow the passage of follow on forces). Follow this exclusive link to a page I created which describes intent in greater detail.
It is impossible to guide people through what we want step by step. Leaders cannot be everywhere tasks are happening. Invest time in your communication. Be cautious and selective with your words. Think hard about what you intend with a specific mission and deliver that to your people. They will operate under what you say. Intent is everything.
Here is my intent for you. Have a great weekend. Purpose: to recharge yourself. Key Tasks: Surround yourself with family, do what you love doing. End State: Be able to look back, refreshed and say, "that was a great weekend. I'm ready to tackle this week ahead!"
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell