The December Leader

"It's the most wonderful time of the year." Song by Andy Williams

Don't blink your eyes, it will be Christmas day. What is it with this time of year? On the one hand it ought to be a time of giving, of gathering with workmates, family, and reflections of the year. On the other, the days seem to speed by and the pressure mounts to squeeze in work and our busy lives between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. As the Christmas countdown starts, commercials and social media pressure us to get those gifts and mail them off before it is too late. I always feel I'm behind the power curve - like I haven't decorated in time, finished my shopping and planned for pre-Christmas gatherings. Sounds like I need some leadership!

Let me introduce you to the December leader. He or she possesses many of the attributes of an everyday leader engaged with and investing in his or her people. This leader, however, is more in tune with this time of year, its meaning and its opportunities.

The December leader does not let the stress of the season get to them or at least appear to get to them. As always, subordinates will look to their leader to set the tone. A calm, cool, and collected leader is what they want to see.

The December leader recognizes the season, how his or her diverse team celebrates it, and what each person's plans are for the holidays. Conversations about how each person celebrates the season, what their traditions are, and what special gifts they may have bought for their loved ones are healthy, trust-building conversations.

The December leader carves out time to pump the brakes on work busyness to celebrate with their team. He or she also allows ample time for their people to spend time with family, especially those with young children.

The December leader can see beyond the season. He or she knows there is a year to close out and another year fast approaching. This leader seizes the opportunity to set policies and plans to guide the team in the new year informed by what has been learned in the previous.

The December leader is a giving leader. He or she gives to their team in the form of year-end bonuses and or paid time off. The December leader may also give back to their community.

The December leader offers praise and recognition for a year traveled and the hard work done to keep the organization thriving. This leader offers praise for the performance of the team this year and optimism for the year ahead.

It's December 5th. Christmas is 20 days away! Time to lead.


Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell