Leadership Swag Bag

I don't know about you but I've been to several conferences, meet-ups, and networking events in 2022, a welcome change from the virtual pandemic years. Many of them I find, include a small, colored paper bag with rope handles or a cloth tote full of goodies or swag as it is now called. If not in a bag, this swag is placed at each seat at a conference table or raffled off just for attending the event. Swag is a great way to entice people to attend and for companies to get recognition.

There are a variety of goodies one finds in a swag bag. Not all of them are useful. For instance, I'm growing a bit tired of hand sanitizer. I need no more plastic cups, foam stress balls, cheap ballpoint pens, post-it note pads, rubber bracelets, and chip clips. I confess I do take the pens but find that they die a quick death. Snacks are always welcome and I have used some of the insulated cups and mini notebooks. I've seen some real winners such as Yeti cups, flashlights, and kinetic toys. How about a leadership swag bag? Here is an idea...

This swag comes in a bag like all the others, only better. It consists of three items. I've left out the breath mints and cell phone pop up handles. Inside you'll find:

  1. Self-awareness. You'll be given a link to take Forte Institute's Communication Intelligence Lifetime Survey. You'll find other surveys such as DISC and Myers Briggs. All of them are valuable. Post-conference, spend time engaging in introspection, knowing and understanding yourself so that you may lead better - so that you'll know when you are the right person for a moment or when you'll need to adapt.

  2. Challenge. There will be a large magnet which draws you toward personal hardship or, as Bill Ekstrom says, "complexity," where real growth occurs. The magnet will play Bill's TED Talk causing you to ponder how you engage in your own personal growth as a leader and how you challenge your people to do the same. And you'll have the link to the Growth Rings Indicator Survey from Ecsell Institute.

  3. A Coach. The biggest thing in the bag will be a coach. Someone to shed light on those things you cannot see for yourself. A person, ready and equipped to take a journey of personal and professional growth with you. Just follow the instructions on the mini packet, add water and poof, you'll have a coach, a peer, who won't cast judgement but who will challenge your thinking, offer sage advice, but mostly help you retrieve the solutions to your problems - solutions which are already inside of you.

Ok, I'll throw in a Yeti cup. Now that is a swag bag! Let me find a venue, some speakers, and great coffee and snacks and we're off to the races! Or you can create your own swag bag with the contents I've included above. They are all within your reach. Holler if I can help and...


Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell