Promote on potential, not just performance

"Every expert was once a beginner." Rutherford B. Hayes

"In view of these qualities and his/her demonstrated leadership potential...," so states the official promotion orders of the U.S. Army. These are read in a formal ceremony following the decision to promote an individual to a rank and position of leadership. Keyword, potential. It is impossible to measure one's performance as a leader without placing them in the position and it is irresponsible to place a person in a leadership position without the requisite rank and authority. Therefore, it is potential we must measure.

Oxford Dictionary defines potential as, having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Note the words 'become' and 'develop into.' A person is not a developed leader on day one of the position, therefore you should have confidence in their skill and will to become one. offers an informative article on measuring potential. They highlight intelligence, personality, principles, values and motivation as things to know and measure when determining potential. There are several tests which measure these and a person's personality - agreeableness, adaptability, and ability to get along with others. I administer the Forté Institute’s® Communication Intelligence Lifetime Survey and Assessment when coaching new and future leaders. I add presence to the list - does the person possess an air of confidence and can he or she communicate confidently?

Surveys and tests aside, I like to have conversations with a potential leader to see if the desire is there. I like to observe them performing in the workplace to see if they demonstrate potential and if they espouse the values and vision of the organization. I study the requirements of the leadership position and ask myself if I have the right person to meet those requirements. Lastly, I seek the counsel of others.

There is risk in choosing the next leader for your team. Do the work up front but remember, it doesn't end with the decision. Follow-on coaching and appraising will be required to know if you have the right person. Performance yes, but potential absolutely.


Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell