No person ever excelled working only 9 to 5

"There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." Roger Staubach

"Don't just meet the standard, exceed the standard." This was drilled into me in my years of Army service. I can make the case for you that I excelled in the Army achieving the rank of Colonel and commanding an Army brigade. I didn't do this by working comfortably inside the hours of 9 to 5. I didn't excel by doing only what was written in my job description. I went the extra mile.

Those who work for you who wish to excel must do the same if they desire to climb the ladder in your company or any company for that matter. I would hope that you work in an exceptional organization which hires exceptional people and grows exceptional leaders. To be one of those leaders, one must display their commitment, not to the 8-hour workday or the 40-hour workweek, but to the mission.

A standard salaried employee can meet the requirements of their job description and no more. They can arrive each day at 9AM sharp and walk out the door promptly at 5PM. There are plenty of people like this. They are not bad people. They do great work for our organizations but they do not stick out among the crowd. They don't excel.

The point here is not simply working insane hours to work insane hours - stay late each day, arrive early each morning. Indeed, those desiring to climb the ladder ought to strive for the balance of work and life - the sign of a good leader. Instead, this comes down to the fierce commitment to the mission and loyalty to organizational values, culture, and vision. This commitment and loyalty will naturally take one beyond the 8-hour workday.

This is where people stand out from the crowd and excel. It is where leaders reside.


Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell