Time for a Leadership State of the Union (SOTU)

"My fellow (insert company name) teammates, the state of our union is..." The Boss

There is something about this time of year. While I'm warmed by the thought of reuniting with family, exchanging gifts, and catching a few extra naps, I feel pressure as the year speeds to a close that I owe my people something. Season's greetings is certainly in order but it's also my duty as a leader to close out the year properly - lift everyone's heads up, pause and reflect on the year's accomplishments and talk about the big picture. I'm talking about a State of the Union-like presentation and December is the perfect time. 

The President of the United States is required by law to deliver a periodic address to the nation including updates on the nation's budget, economy, achievements and the president's priorities and legislative proposals. It is a good template for leaders closing out the year. A leader can use a SWOT template (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) to guide his or her remarks but should exceed the elements of SWOT to inform and inspire. 

No matter how small your team, a SOTU is an opportunity to share your thoughts about the environment. This can include internal (culture, financial performance, systems and process performance) and external (the economy, government regulation, your industry, market, and customers). It is a time to recognize teams and individuals for their heroics this year. You can revisit priorities and establish new enduring priorities for the coming year. A SOTU is a good place to deliver the challenges for the new year coupled with the support you will provide to overcome these challenges and achieve lofty goals. 

Blink your eye and it will be January. I've always found January to be the mother of all Monday mornings. It's almost as if everyone has flushed or forgotten the previous year focusing on how to climb the next mountain. Take advantage of this time and deliver a SOTU to your team. Just don't have someone announce your arrival in the room and do keep your eye out for those who sit listening with a frown and folded arms! 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell