Are we too busy for Leadership?
"Either run the day or the day runs you" Jim Rohn
This is an age-old dilemma; the pace at which organizations travel and the enormity of the tasks leaders must accomplish against the requirements of leadership. Sarah is overdue for her appraisal but you have a Friday deadline to meet. Which one is the priority? Sadly, too often, it is the former and not the latter. Friday's deadline is the heavier glass ball which cannot be dropped. Investing in Sarah can wait. It is no wonder why we have nearly 70% of employees disengaged from their company (Gallup Poll). Sarah won't leave her job, she will leave her boss because he always defaults to the demands of the organization and leaves her behind.
I truly understand the demands an organization or a boss can place on a leader. I was consumed many a day in the Army and had to leave "Sarah" behind. But I would not let this be the norm. "Sarah" would get my leadership. My game changer: adjust my mindset. I held leadership, specifically my investment in my people equal to the deadlines and demands placed on me. I would move heaven and earth to accomplish my tasks and I would do the same leading my people. If I couldn't get to Sarah, there would be this burning sensation like the one I felt when a deadline or demand was looming or I had missed it. Here are two ways I overcame.
Prioritization. Leading by investing in my people (see my first book) was a top priority for me. I stated this to myself and publicly with my leaders. I knew by saying it, I had to discipline myself to practice it. I had to commit in word and deed. You have to be dead serious with yourself and your leadership duties. Once you commit, you'll find time for leadership.
Being real about my workload. In retrospect, I often found that I could have met my obligations to my boss or my organization and invested in my people. I could have met Friday's deadline and dedicated at least 1 hour to appraise Sarah.
The tasks of leadership can be frightening and uncomfortable which is why many leaders postpone them. However, leadership, the time spent providing feedback, listening and learning, growing people and assisting them on their greater journey is on par, or even more important I submit, than the Friday deadline. Your organization depends on it and your people demand and deserve it.
If this is your mindset, you'll find time to lead.
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell