The 'walking on eggshells' leader

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde

When I took command of an Army Brigade in the 101st Airborne Division in 2013, my wife Leslie was worried about the repercussions if I were to say or do something that offended someone. She cared because she knew me as a selfless, compassionate, man of character. We had seen too many commanders relieved of command for a variety of reasons, some simply over what they said. While many of these relieved commanders deserved their ultimate demise, we both knew how simply and rapidly this could happen and that I would find myself on the defensive - a place a leader does not want to be.

Like it or not, there is an increased level of sensitivity in organizations and easy ways, thanks to smartphones, to capture a leader's every move. It is easier to offend than it has ever been and this risk can cause a leader to become reclusive, physically and verbally. This is not good for leadership or for an organization. When leaders mute themselves we get less, not more of them, and in today's volatile and ever-changing environment that's not good.

I appreciated my wife's concern. I needed to hear it and be extra sensitive in word and deed. I needed to manage the comedian in me and set a tone of consideration and respect but most of all, I needed to be myself. I knew deeply that I was as my wife and so many others saw me - a caring and inclusive leader and a man of values and character. I would refuse to walk on eggshells. Instead I would be my authentic self. My people would certainly get the seasoned infantry leader that I was but they would also get Rob Campbell. If someone didn't like that, if my boss didn't like that, if the Army didn't like that, then they could replace me.

If your authentic self is one which will offend others, you have no business leading. I suspect, as I have found in most people, you are a caring and considerate leader. Be yourself. Don't fake it or become withdrawn. Your people will see right through it. Walk not on eggshells but with pride, confidence and authenticity!


Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell