The PTO Force Field

Paid Time Off, a term I have come to know in my encore life after the military. We called it leave or liberty in the military. Same concept - one takes leave of work to enjoy family, a hobby, or just to decompress and relax. I call it bucket filling. Leaders, indeed, all people need this. Doing those things which bring you fulfillment and re-energize you is bucket filling. We come back from these events better leaders and better people, but only if we do it right.

Bucket filling while entertaining work messages is not bucket filling. You'll be enamored with the busyness of work preventing you from truly relaxing and embracing that which gives you fulfillment. As leaders, it is our duty to shield our people from the 'noise' of the office. It won't happen organically, especially since most people can carry the 'office' on their personal smart phones. Hence the PTO Force Field.

The PTO Force Field is a shield which protects an individual from the 'noise' of the office. It comes in the form of guidance and direction. It requires leadership - directing people to shield Larry or Sue from office noise. It requires the discipline of the team to problem solve on their own. It requires Larry or Sue to prepare their teammates for their absence. It requires the leader to send the led off on PTO with the promise to relax, enjoy, and unplug.

The PTO Force Field can apply to leaders but don't bank on it. While I've done the work to allow my organization to function without me, if my people need me I'm there and they are not admonished for reaching out. I'll carve out personal time where I'm away from my devices but I cannot divorce myself from my people, my organization, and my leadership duties. It is a price I'm willing to pay for the privilege of leading people.

Build redundancy, resilience, and depth in your organization. Send your people off on PTO and coach them to leave work behind. They and you and your organization will be better for it.

I'm on PTO in Berlin with my kin filling a bucket. Holler if you need me but don't be surprised if your message bounces off my shield!

See you next week and until then...

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell