Who is calling you out?

"What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself." Abraham Maslow

For every assignment I had in the Army I had a sergeant or non-commissioned officer. Sergeants, the envy of every military across the world, are known for telling it like it is. They kept all of us - officers and enlisted trained and ready for war. They are, as my former boss liked to say, the lifeblood of the Army. With each new posting, I would seek this person out. They would be my right hand, my battle buddy, and I would ask something of them; to call me out.

To be at our very best, we as a team, on top of a small or large organization, needed to be brutally honest with each other. I'd ask him for this in our initial counseling. "I need to be able to tell you that you suck and you need to be able to tell me that I suck," I'd say. I know it helped both of us lead our people better.

There is no perfect person or leader. We all come with our quirks and weaknesses which need to be called out and rounded out by those around us. I can get fixed on an idea and stubborn in my ways. My sergeant would call me out on that and, as I say, save me from myself. I did indeed attempt to surround myself with people who could compensate for my weaknesses and vice versa but I needed, and still need, that person who knows me and who is not afraid to confront me when needed. In the Army that was my sergeant. In my encore life, that is my coach.

I think those who lead without someone to call them out are leading less effectively. We do of course have our spouses. Mine is outstanding in this capacity but she is not there when I'm leading and because I'm with her so much, I may not listen to her as I would someone else. It is the same thing when your children won't listen to you and take your advice but will from another influential person in their life like a sports coach or teacher.

By calling out, I'm not referring to the act of berating someone in public in front of others. I'm talking about advice, warnings, or reminders professionally delivered, usually one-on-one where the two of you can work things out. I've been that person for my coaching clients and I have a coach of my own who challenges me in ways others do not. I cherish this as a leader, husband, and father.

Who will call you out today?


Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell