Success is too important not to celebrate

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." Oprah Winfrey

As April speeds to a close, we enter the season of commencement. I offer this blog for the few, I hope, who may choose not to attend their own graduation, especially from a college or university. For so many reasons they should don the cap and gown and participate in this time honored, symbolic ceremony - a milestone in their life. People should formally celebrate their accomplishments surrounded by those who love and support them. Why wouldn't they?

I partially understand why. It's the 'no dancing in the end zone' approach to things. If I score a basket in basketball, I don't stop to celebrate. The game is not won yet. It's also not a very humble thing to do. I may feel like I'm showing off. I'll accept that for sports but milestones such as a graduation from college, a promotion at work, or the completion of a demanding project are worthy of celebration.

I wrote about this very thing in my second book, "At Ease. Enjoying the Freedom You Fought For." Chapter 8 to be exact, "Celebrate Your Service." In this chapter I share excerpts from a blog by Julian Illman and Kathryn Bryant of Brilliant Living HQ, titled "6 Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Success." Here is the link and here are a few notable reasons.

1. "Developing a Success Mindset." Yes! Success lies at the heart of all things we wish to accomplish. When you pause to celebrate your accomplishments instead of focusing on the tasks ahead, you condition your mind for future challenges. A graduation from college or a promotion at work are both feats which required commitment and hard work. When you celebrate them, you start to see yourself as someone successful.

5. "Happy Chemicals." Who doesn't want a hit of dopamine? You'll find a bunch of it when you celebrate your success. It will foster your creativity and leave you thirsting for more challenges and more success. It's downright healthy.

6. "Sharing Success." This one is my favorite. It's not about you. That's right. While you may be the one taking the stage, receiving the trophy, or some other form of recognition, it is about those who supported you through this accomplishment. Moreover, it is about the message this sends to others - "be like me," "step up and take the challenge." Perhaps you are uncomfortable standing in the spotlight but do it for others. When I retired from the Army after 27-plus years, I hosted a party in Washington D.C. Family and friends assembled so that I could thank them and share, as I had always done, this milestone and chapter in the lives of the Campbell family.

You and your people have come very far. Celebrate your own successes and invest time in your people urging them to do the same.

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell