The Gifts of Leadership

"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It's about one life influencing another." John C. Maxwell

I write this morning from Fayetteville, North Carolina, the home of Fort Bragg, soon to be Fort Liberty, and the Army's 82nd Airborne Division. My family and I spent five years of my Army journey here - many fond memories amidst the hardship of serving as a paratrooper in a time of war. As I drive around, that nervous feeling returns to my gut. This was a hard, demanding chapter of my Army career. Today however, I arrive in a casual suit, with facial hair basking in my glory for having conquered all Fort Bragg and the 82nd threw at me and to receive a gift of leadership.

Jay, one of my former officers, achieved the rank of Colonel and will take command of a brigade. Anyone who has spent time as an Army officer knows what a significant accomplishment this is - impossible in fact, not only to have achieved the rank of Colonel but to be selected for Colonel-level command. To this day, I'm humbled by my selection. Jay and his lovely wife Krista, in a short but momentous ceremony, become the next command team, entrusted with the readiness and wellbeing of several thousand soldiers and their families.

Jay indeed, made it here on his own merit. He showed the Army he was worthy and ready for this hallmark assignment. I like to think I have some part in his success having led him during some trying times, including a tour in Afghanistan. Today is a gift of leadership.

Gifts will come in various forms to those who embrace their role as a leader, striving to be better and learn from superiors and subordinates alike. Watching a subordinate accomplish something they once believed was beyond their ability, because you led them well is a gift. A thank you from a subordinate or family member, sometimes years removed from a single act of leadership which returns to you is a gift. The performance of an organization due to its people and your leadership of them is a gift.

Gifts are not guaranteed. 'Leader' is only a title. I firmly believe it is the small acts of leading which earn you your gifts. Jay and I, and so many others had those small moments. I've long forgotten many of them, but the people entrusted in my care remember, as I did, the small yet profound moments when a leader underwrote my mistakes, put an arm around me, corrected me, taught me, and showed genuine care for my wellbeing and that of my family.

I did not lead, nor should you, to receive gifts. I did it out of a sense of duty, because I wanted to challenge myself, and because it is my calling - to make a difference in the lives of others through optimistic leadership. It's the reason I'm placed on this earth.

I'll walk a little slower and prouder today with my chest out. I'll be in a state of quiet peace and pride as I witness the time-honored Army Changing of Command ceremony knowing that I had a small piece of this accomplishment. The gift does not come in a large wrapped box. There will be no cake. But the moment and all it represents will be oh so sweet.

Go earn your gift today by leading authentically, vulnerably, and confidently investing in your people.

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell