Define that...

I've blogged about this before but it bears repeating. I learned the use of this phrase in the military. I don't recall from whom I learned it or when it was seared into my brain but I'm glad it was. Define that, has a legitimate place in leadership. In order to make the best decisions, leaders must have clarity on situations, concepts, and problems. Ambiguity has its place but clarity is important, especially when it comes to the survival of the organization and the care of its people.

We can start with the government for our first example. "We are intensifying our efforts..." Heard this before? Now what exactly does intensify mean? Will more funds be committed, more people hired, or is this just a hollow statement? Intensify sure sounds sexy but I, for one, need more. "Define intensify." Or stated differently, "tell me exactly what you mean by intensify."

In a business, a leader might hear, "John is not performing, he should be fired." Ending John's career is a major move for a leader and making a profound and permanent decision informed only by a statement like this is woefully inadequate and unprofessional. Define, "John is not performing." A leader would need specific data which indicates John's performance has dropped to the point he must be terminated.

"We have a problem." "This ____ is not working." These statements, or ones like them are frequently heard in organizations. Subordinates may assume the boss has more information than he or she actually does and so they deliver these hollow statements in hopes of a decision. Coupled with the vagueness of these statements, there is no solution offered - another sin of the subordinate, one which the leader must, "train out of them (previous blog)." Sticking to our quest for clarity, define problem and define not working. More is needed if a leader desires to make a more informed decision.

What needs definition in your organization? Try this concept out. Be an informed leader.

I trust you are enjoying my blogs. "Define enjoying my blogs, Rob!"

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell