These things we do so that others may live


I’m writing about nurses this morning but it speaks directly to leadership. I’ve always had a deep love for nurses, what they stand for, the skills they possess and the values they embody. Yesterday was National Nurse’s Day. I confess I had forgotten but a client and friend reminded me, as good nurses (and leaders) do, copying me on a note sent to her nurses. I salute all of you!

This subject line is taken from the combat medic’s creed. I wrote a foreword to Martin King’s coming book, “Triage” which highlights and celebrates the impact of medics on the battlefield and the nurses who care for the wounded. It was a chance for me to pay tribute to these selfless servers. Here is an excerpt with some alternate words in parentheses for our focus on leadership. 

There is nothing quite so powerful, so comforting, so healing, as human connection. We long for this from the moment of our birth and into our adulthood. This is especially true on the battlefield (or the office). Aside from their battle buddy (family) a nurse (effective leader) is that (or should be) human connection soldiers (employees) desire. 

While difficult, the comparison of the modern office to a battlefield or a leader to a skilled nurse is an important and fair one. The modern workplace is riddled with challenges, stress, unknowns, and even danger. Lives may not be at stake but livelihoods and the wellbeing of people are. Conditions change in an instant and periods of routine work and predictable schedules are disrupted. New leaders are hired, high-pressure missions created, changes in organizational charts occur, and new, lofty goals are established. People are the fallout. They are left confused, overworked, and underappreciated. It is combat albeit on a different scale. Nurse! 

This year’s theme for National Nurse’s Day is #WeAnswerTheCall. Yup, that’s what leaders do or should do each day. Instead of tourniquets, bandages and IVs leaders bring active listening, effective communication and a keen understanding of the individuality and needs and desires of people as part of a greater team. Leaders love their people. Here is a leader creed following the lead of nurses. “These things we do so that others may thrive and grow.“ Leader!

Happy Nurse’s Day! 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell