Work – Life balance. Not!

Sneaker-dress Shoe

The richest and fullest lives attempt to achieve an inner balance between three realms: work, love, and play. Erik Erikson

I remember as a young leader listening to senior leaders preach ‘work-life balance.’ I would always laugh inside at their urging as I knew they worked insane hours, took work home and often came to the office on Saturdays. Of course, balance means a 50/50 split. Not possible. When you factor in sleep (which is important) you find imbalance. When you work well beyond the 40-hour workweek, you find imbalance. What is work and what is life anyway? Try this on.

Work encompasses the missions and tasks you perform for an organization in exchange for pay and benefits. Life is time and activity spent with loved ones and doing those things (outside of work) which bring you joy. I’ve heard it said, if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. If this is you, then you have found a gem. However, too many people view work as only a way to support themselves. While many do love their career choice, they dislike the work climate or their boss which makes for a bad daily experience. This daily suffering will take a toll on the ‘life’ side of the equation.

“Get a life,” a former boss used to say that when speaking to a group of leaders. He was defining life as those things which bring you fulfillment such as sports or creative endeavors like art, music, or writing. Add to this quality time surrounded by people you love and you have a solid attempt at life. Here is some advice from a guy who got this wrong as a young leader.

  • Find work, a boss and a work climate that brings you fulfillment. You have a choice to find that, perhaps more than you are willing to admit.

  • Work at life. Schedule your passions. That’s right, book time on your calendar as you would work events for family and recreation activities which take you away from the office and recharge your batteries. Don’t be the one in the office during the Christmas holiday or working right up to the 4th of July when the rest of the country is ‘living.’

  • Family appointments are a priority. Never miss an ultrasound or a child’s recital. Work will take you from these events if you let it.

  • Revisit a childhood passion that you have suppressed for the wrong reasons. Author Elizabeth Gilbert in her book, “Big Magic,” illustrates this wonderfully. It spoke loud and clear to me. I wish I had it as a young leader.

You won’t achieve 50/50 but try and get close. You’ll figure out the work stuff, I’ve no doubt. Apply that ‘work’ talent and focus to 'life.' It is not selfish. It is required if you want your family and those you lead to have the best of you.

Here is some 'life.' Watch this inspiring TED Talk by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It is one of my favorites.

Have a great, 'balanced' week. Holler if I can help you!

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell