Are you a facts or a feelings leader?
Another way to ask this question is, what is your logic style? Your logic style indicates the approach you take (and prefer others take) to make decisions - classic left brain, right brain stuff. Here is one way which will tell you which camp you may be in. Which of these two statements is the one you would prefer to hear?
"I feel good about course of action 2. My gut tells me it is the one we should pick."
"Data and historical precedent tells us that course of action 2 is the one we should pick."
If you chose 1 you make decisions based on feelings. If you chose 2 you are more of a facts leader. If both resonate with you, i.e. you would prefer a blend of these two statements then you are a facts and feelings leader. The range of logic follows - facts, facts/feelings, feelings, intuitive feelings. There is no order of precedence and leaders may shift between these as they adapt to the environment. The key is knowing where you fall in the range of logic approaches and, most importantly, will it serve you and your organization best? Awareness of self is one of the most important skills a leader can possess, especially when it comes to making decisions.
You may have enough data behind a problem but need the seasoned advice of a respected colleague to help you decide (statement 2). Or, you may need to see the analysis behind a person's gut feeling to give you assurance you are making the best decision (statement 1).
Be careful not to get burned. Facts or data can be sexy and assuring but they also may be flawed or irrelevant to the current situation. Feelings feel right but may be poisoned by biases and emotions. Know when to strike a balance between the two camps. Consider blending statements 1 and 2. You will make more informed decisions that are best for your team.
Care to know more on this topic or take a survey which will help determine your current logic style? I administer the Forte´ Institute's Communication Intelligence Survey. It is a short (~8 minutes) survey which shows who you are, how you are adapting and how others perceive you. The results will blow your mind!
I'm never too busy for a referral. Know a struggling leader or perhaps you are struggling with something? I've screwed up every leadership approach in the book and learned from it. I'm ready to share my lessons with you and or a deserving leader. Make the connection today!
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell