Don't let strategy scare you. Create one
"Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction" Kenichi Ohmae
Finishing off a string of blogs this week which relate to the current catastrophe in Afghanistan, this one addresses strategy, something we were missing. Most every organization exists for some long-term goal. Even in an infinite game, described very well by Simon Sinek, an organization is trying to get somewhere. Without a guiding beacon like a vision it will be a rudderless ship at sea. A vision is a visual depiction of an organization in a future state achieving its purpose to the best of its ability. It is supported by strategy.
Strategy is a scary word but it should not be. When we hear strategy or strategic, we envision these 50-pound brain executives assembled in some boardroom using words we have never heard. Strategy is simply a method by which you are going to accomplish something. It consists of ends, ways and means. Or simplify it to what, how and resources to support them. Ends are vitally important. It is where strategy formulation begins. Imagine and describe what success smells like, sounds like and looks like. Do so realistically but without boundaries to achieve better ends.
Ways are steps or methods an organization will take to accomplish its ends. They are things like a project management program or an application which will automate a strategic project. A customer relations management application would be the ways a company will manage potential or new and existing customers.
Means are resources. A portion of a company's budget, a new hire or a consultant would be resources a company might use to achieve its ends. Time spent by leaders or time dedicated to meetings to examine and steer strategy is another example.
Take out any one of these elements and the risk of failure increases. Again, do not fear strategy. Take a single piece of paper, assemble a diverse team and sketch out a strategy in broad terms. Then stick to it. Drive it home with discipline or you'll be at the mercy of the current which may take you to places you do not wish to be. And rowing harder won't help.
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell