The time I punched myself in the face
My wife and I were out to dinner one evening with some good friends enjoying a few beers and a nice dinner. My friend Mike asked if I knew how to Italian arm wrestle. "No," I said. I had not heard of it. He placed his elbow on the table, made a fist and told me to pull it downward using my hand. The challenge, as in a regular arm wrestle, seemed to be a test of strength. Could he hold his arm up against my force? He couldn't. I won. It felt pretty good actually. My ego was fed. I was the victor!
Basking in my glory, Mike stated, "your turn." "I'll show him," I thought. I'd use all my strength to keep my arm from collapsing on the table. Eventual defeat might be imminent but if I could resist longer than Mike, I'd have one up on him. Shit talking rights so to speak.
Mike, looking defeated, grabbed on to my fist and pulled. I held my ground resisting his force with all my might. At the peak of my resistance, Mike suddenly straightened his fingers and released his grip. My fist, traveling at full speed came sailing back at me landing square on my forehead. That's right, I punched myself in the face. Like a wooden mallet striking a hollow stump, the sound echoed across the restaurant. I'm sure several people witnessed this jackassery but I was to dumbfounded to notice. The table erupted in laughter, especially Mike and myself. The joke was on me.
What in the world was I thinking? I wish I had a good answer for that but I don't. You probably saw this coming in the first paragraph! I wish I did.
I've told this story numerous times over the years as a way to get a laugh, and be humble and vulnerable as a leader. Let your guard down or drop your shield as Rob Pardi would say. That is the lesson of this blog. Be able to laugh at yourself. Oh, and never Italian arm wrestle!
Have a great day leading!
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell