School's out! Tune in!

Schools out - Kids

I smiled instantly when I found this picture this morning. I miss those days when my sons were little and excited about summer. 

With Memorial Day 2021 now in the books, many schools have ended (or will soon) their 2020-2021 year. But what does this mean for leaders? I’ve always used the approach, leading beyond the workplace. It’s an element of investing in people which I describe in my first book, It’s Personal, Not Personnel. Leading beyond the workplace does not mean directing the personal lives of our people. It means that leaders take an interest and ‘tune in’ to what is happening in the lives of their people and how it impacts them. That's good leadership. Most any person will tell you that family is the most important thing to them yet many leaders have never met their families or understand what they are going through. 

What does the end of school mean for a family? In these days of pandemic, it could mean something altogether different. Some kids remain home, some have returned to school but are now on summer break. Whatever the situation, I would want to know it and how it affects a person I lead. I would also want to know when important family events are happening so that I could allow my people to be present. In the Army we tracked very closely the school year. In late summer when school began we would give our soldiers the morning off of physical training so that they could be with their children as they started school. This was leading beyond the workplace. 

Understand what is happening in the lives of your people then do something with that understanding. Know, then act. Work demands do stand in the way of giving people the family or personal time they desire. This is a real challenge but if leaders took a longer view, understood when school was releasing for the year for instance, and were tuned in to other like events, they could plan for the absence of their people or at least know when to ask about some important milestone. Here is an example. 

Boss, “James, how are the twins doing? Don’t they finish up 3rd grade at the end of the month?” 

James, “They are doing great boss and yes they finish school on the 26th of May.” 

Boss, “Why don’t you take a few hours off and be home when the bus drops them off so you can hear about their last day?” 

James, “But my weekly sales meeting happens during that time.” 

Boss, “Let’s shift it or get another person to cover for you. Go hugs your kids and hear about their last day.” 

Now that’s leading beyond the workplace! The boss showed interest, was ‘tuned in’ and led James to be present for an important family milestone. The return on that investment is an employee who is more engaged and productive in the workplace and a family who holds the company and leadership in high regard. Powerful stuff. 

There is more to this important concept of leading beyond the workplace and I’m ready to share it with you and your team! Let’s talk today about how to ‘tune in.’ as a leader! 

Make it Personal 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell