Words/Phrases I don't use anymore

Words matter, especially in leadership. For better or worse, people will latch on to what comes out of the mouth of their leaders. "But you said..." Because of this, leaders ought to be cautious and selective with their words. I do not mean overly cautious or fake. Leaders should absolutely be themselves but should operate with a heightened sense of what they do and say. My years of leading have strengthened me in this area. I'm clear on the tone I want to set and the culture I want to create no matter what the team and because of this I don't use these words or phrases. 

  • "Do this for me." I always disliked that statement. While it is true 'me' is being served, I think instead about the team. I want people to do something for the team. I may direct someone to do something but I leave the me out. Or I'll say it more politely. "Can I ask you to...?" "Do this for the team..."

  • "Mine or I." I use 'our' or 'we' instead. "Our revenue goals..." "We can do better..." I may own the organization and its performance but I want to foster a shared approach - ownership by all.

  • "Our marketing director or my employee." I always refer to those I lead as teammates or partners. Yes, I am the boss but I strive to put people on an even plain - to make them feel important, needed and part of a bigger team. "My teammate Bill..." "Alright team, can we....?"

Of course, I'm not perfect. I'll slip every now and then and violate this approach above, but I get it more right than wrong. I operate with this heightened sense of awareness that my teammates are watching my words and deeds. Because they are.

Share what words or phrases you don't use. 

Make it Personal! 


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell