No such thing as "I don't know"
"I am an investigator by inclination. I feel a great thirst for knowledge." Immanuel Kant
It is healthy in an organization to promote a thirst for knowledge - to challenge the unknown, uncover problems, unearth lessons, and grow under a quest for discovery and learning. "I don't know," as statement by itself is counter to that.
It is still with me - my refusal to use the phrase, "I don't know." The Army 'trained it out of me' (previous blog). I took many an ass-chewing after using this in the Army. "I don't know," is in the "I quit," family, another phrase outlawed in military service. It's akin to a roadblock, end of story, go no further philosophy. It's useless to any person, leader, and organization which strives to be great. A child may use this phrase, an adult should not.
Of course, one cannot know everything. It is quite normal that a person possesses zero knowledge of a topic or an issue, but everyone possesses the ability to find out, and that is the phrase to use. "John why did Oscar fail to finish the last project?" Instead of, "I don't know," John answers, "I'll find out." "I'll find out," suggests a spirit of interest and motivation to answer a leader's question. It shows alignment with the boss's interest in finding an answer. It follows an, "If it is interesting to my boss, it's fascinating to me," reasoning.
While a person may start with, "I don't know," they ought to follow immediately with, "I'll find out." On the other hand, a leader, knowing that one possesses zero knowledge of a topic or issue, can rephrase the question. "John, can you find out why Oscar failed to finish the last project? I want to see if we gave him the proper leadership."
I believe it is healthy to reject "I don't know," as a statement in your organization. Invest time in people, culture, and promote a healthy workplace first, before you place demands on your team, but give this a shot. Much like, "bring me solutions, not problems," (another previous blog) promote a spirit of tenacity - a thirst to find out, to take the next step versus settling on ignorance.
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Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell