Leader - Underwriter
"Don't make excuses. Don't blame any other person or any other thing... Take ownership of everything in your world - the good and the bad." Jocko Willink
Underwrite - a term most frequently used in insurance applies to leadership. To underwrite, as defined by Merriam Webster is: to set one's name to (an insurance policy) for the purpose of thereby becoming answerable for a designated loss on consideration of receiving a premium percent or, to assume liability. Strip away 'insurance policy' and this is a useful definition. A leader sets their name to everything their subordinates do or fail to do. They are answerable for everything. The premium indeed, may be higher pay but I see the premium as the success of their team and the growth of their people - and it is earned by underwriting.
In the Army I heard numerous officers, while being promoted, thank their boss for underwriting their mistakes - seeing past their failures to their true potential. As a leader, I've stepped in to save a subordinate (underwrite) after an error was made stating that it was my error, not theirs. Another word for this is ownership. Upon assuming the mantle of leadership, the leader owns everything.
This doesn't mean giving subordinates a pass. I underwrite every failing but I follow up with individuals and teams unpacking how the error occurred, who was responsible, and how we as a team can prevent its repeat. If malice was present, I'd have to consider punishment such as removing authority and autonomy, monetary punishment, placing a person on notice, or even terminating their employment.
I'll underwrite because I failed to prepare or equip a subordinate properly. I'll underwrite believing that my guidance was not clear enough. I'll underwrite to salvage a subordinate from the psychological damage which may occur following a mistake. Indeed, I want subordinates to experience hardship - where real growth occurs, but I tell them I accept responsibility. Then we discuss how the mistake occurred. It is here, after I've underwritten the mistake, I can highlight (or have them highlight) what ownership they have in the error.
Underwrite everything but create ownership and teamwork in your organization. Learn and grow from mistakes. See past the human errors of an individual to their true potential. Leader - Underwriter.
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell