Facts Leader or Feelings Leader?
“The quality of your decisions depends on the clarity of your thoughts, the voice of your heart, and the strength of your intuition.” Clevermemo.com
What is your logic style, meaning, what is your style when it comes to making decisions? In my coaching practice I use the Forté Institute’s® Communication Intelligence Survey and Assessment. Along with assessments of strengths in dominance, introversion/extroversion, patience, and conformity, Forté measures logic style.
Coaching helps a leader 'see' and 'understand' themselves better, which, in turn helps them lead more effectively. For instance, I'm not a details person. Because of my awareness of this, I know, when details are required, I need to apply extra focus. I may need to surround myself with details people to help me lead better.
The Forté spectrum of logic ranges from Facts - Facts/Feelings - Feelings - Intuitive Feelings. These are not listed in any order of importance nor do they themselves determine the effectiveness of the leader. Facts leaders focus on data. They need to see the number and or the analysis before making decisions. Leaders on this end of the spectrum may be labeled as untrusting or not 'people persons.' Indeed, there are leaders like this. However, a Facts leader may be driven by the situation or the environment. For example, if a leader was interacting with a new employee or if a decision had serious implications, a leader may be forced into the facts spectrum of logic. This would be completely normal. What is most important is to know where you default to or what your natural style of logic is.
I'm a Feelings leader. This means that I tend to be subjective, relying on intuition, not just facts when making decisions. Along with an understanding of the environment and the situation, I apply emotional intelligence and my gained knowledge of a person when deciding. I invest a lot of time getting to know a person and building trust. I confess I rely more on my gut and my heart than my mind. While I like this people-centric intuitive approach, I've been burned by it. As a self-aware leader, I force myself to seek and explore facts, especially when faced with a significantly important decision.
Where do you fall on the logic spectrum? Where should you? Hire a coach - me, and gain a deeper understanding of your logic style and, moreover, how to apply it. Your people and your organization deserve it!
Make it personal!
Rob Campbell