Irresponsible - a word for your leadership kit bag
"The price of greatness is responsibility" Winston Churchill
Responsibility is the ethos of good leadership. When it is lacking, leaders and teams must admit it. Indeed, no good leader aims to be irresponsible. However, situations occur outside of one's control where leaders and their teams cannot exercise true responsibility. Oxford Languages provides needed clarity in its definition of responsible - having an obligation to do something, or having control or care for someone, as part of one's role. Exactly! Because responsibility is so important, when it is lacking or when responsibility is paramount, leaders should bring the word 'irresponsible' into their lexicon.
Irresponsible is a useful word when engaging with your boss or other leaders. It is an excellent alternative to "I don't know," or "You cannot have that yet," or "We have not done enough analysis or preparation." The Merriam-Webster definitions of irresponsible show why it is such a useful word:
"lacking a sense of responsibility"
"said or done with no sense of responsibility"
"unable to bear responsibility"
"not answerable to a higher authority"
I've used the word when communicating to my boss. "Sir, it would be irresponsible of me to offer my team's analysis of this problem. We need a little more time to determine causes." I've used it when talking to the team in my small business. "Gents, it would be irresponsible of us to enter a client's home before we rehearse the installation of that unit." I've used it when describing the carelessness of another leader or organization. "How irresponsible of them to arrive lacking equipment and required knowledge."
My use of irresponsible hammers home responsibility. It also shows professionalism and commitment when dealing with a higher authority. Because I invest time being a responsible leader and creating responsible teams, I keep this word, among others, in my leadership kit bag. It is irresponsible of you not to keep it in yours.
Make it Personal!
Rob Campbell