The sacrifice of leadership. You up for it?

"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make." Gordon B. Hinckley

Not everyone desires to lead yet, we are all leaders. Whenever I host leadership training – typically in the first session, I poll the group asking, “who here is a leader?” Not all the hands go up. I then challenge the group, “all of you are leaders.” Leadership is influence and each of us is influencing someone – children, clients, salespeople, and even our bosses each day. We use a variety of communication means, reason, logic, even emotions, and facial expressions to get others to do what they otherwise might not. While everyone leads in some fashion, formal leaders hold a position – manager, director, Vice President, CEO, Mom or Dad to name a few. With this position comes sacrifice. You up for it?

Recognizing the sacrifices of leadership is important. One must not assume the role if they are not willing to accept what comes with it. A leader must recognize and embrace the fact that they will give up something when assuming the mantle. They may be the first to arrive and the last to leave. They may carry the burden of a hard conversation with a client or a disruptive, even toxic member of the team. They may sacrifice the vacation of their choosing to offer that time for one of their people. They may eat last even when they are hungry or even sacrifice pay in extreme circumstances. They may sacrifice their own safety and wellbeing as they are first to step forward into danger. You up for it?

When we as humans give up something, we often want something in return, in other words, return on our investment (sacrifice) or ROI. As parents we may gain comfort (ROI) knowing our children are warm, safe, and dry even when we must sacrifice those things. When we sacrifice our hard-earned money, we want value or ROI. We want ROI in the form of receiving the boss’s approval after the work we put into a presentation and proposal. We want ROI in the form of a sale after the work we put in convincing a customer to buy our product or service. We get ROI after we sacrifice. You up for it?

ROI in leadership is the growth of a team or individual. We may painstakingly coach, teach, and mentor for long periods of time, sacrificing our own work and schedule to better others. ROI comes when we witness a team or individual rise to the occasion doing something they could not do before. ROI comes after our own sacrifice when we see that our people are happy and fulfilled – that, because of what we gave up, they have what they need to grow and perform at their peak. You up for it?

I’m ok with this sacrifice. It was ingrained in me in my years of training and combat the U.S. Army. While I know I will have to give up something, I don’t view it as sacrifice. I view it as my duty to serve my people. I take pride in the positions I currently hold – President, CEO, Dad. I’m always on call, ready to do my duty as a leader. I’m not constantly scanning for ROI. I don’t sacrifice waiting impatiently for my return. It comes to me when I least expect it, when I see a subordinate of mine rise to the occasion. It comes when I receive a note from an individual I influenced long ago thanking me for the impact I had on them. These moments are precious. I cherish them and they inspire me to embrace my role and the sacrifice which comes with it. I’m up for it. Are you?

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell