Onboarding - Paperwork or Person?

"New hires tend to decide within the three months of starting a new job whether or not they will stay with the organization." oneclearmessage.com

What do you envision when you hear the word onboard? The assimilation of a person into an organization or a checklist of administrative requirements? If you were under my leadership and I tasked you with onboarding a new employee, this would summarize my intent. Our new teammate should go home each day saying, "this is the best reception I have ever received from an organization. They have made me feel at ease. I already feel like I belong." I would assign a peer as a sponsor - someone to see the journey through and with whom the new teammate could ask anything.

I don't know about you but I place a lot of confidence in the paperwork process. Sure, it needs to be right so that a person is administratively integrated, but it is the human being at the center of this process and the reputation of the company and its leaders which is foremost in my mind. The paperwork will be completed and long forgotten. The onboarding experience will have a lasting effect.

We recently onboarded a new teammate (notice I didn't use employee) into a business I lead. I was keenly aware of the angst she must have felt entering a new place with new people. We placed flowers on the desk we arranged for her. I left a welcome card for her and I gave my expectations to each of our team members - "make her feel welcome, like she immediately belongs, and make a point to personally welcome her to the team." I welcomed her with a smile, told her how thankful I was for her, and shared my intent. I asked that she look at things with a critical eye. She brought a fresh set of eyes to our team and I welcomed her feedback.

Don't get lost in the paperwork. Don't ever look at onboarding as a task. See it as a journey a person will travel - a crucible in their life and in the life of your company. Paperwork of course. People always!

Make it Personal!


Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell